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Education is
Our Mission

 "It's clear that the World Affairs Council Las Vegas plays a vital role in connecting southern Nevada to the world, fostering global awareness, and nurturing future global leaders and citizens. This mission is essential in an increasingly globalized world, where understanding and cooperation among nations are of paramount importance."

WACLV Speaker Series

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The World Affairs Council of Las Vegas Event & Speaker Series host networking events featuring country leaders, distinguished authors, international policymakers and thought leaders. Our events provide members and our guests an opportunity to connect with other Las Vegans while getting “behind the scenes” insight on important topical issues in international affairs.

International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)

Every year the U.S. State Department brings over 5,000 “high-potential” middle managers from around the world for their first visit to the United States. The World Affairs Council of Las Vegas, as a member of Global Ties US, serves as the official local host for visitors assigned to Las Vegas

by the U.S. State Department.


Why is International Education Important?

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An international education is primordial in a global economy as it builds bridges to other peoples, their respective languages, cultures, and countries. It also opens doors to their custom and traditions, and emphasizes that we have more commonalities than differences. As the mapping of the human genome has proven, we are 95% of the time the same but concentrate 95% of the time on the 5% we differ one from another. An international education emphasizes the ever growing global interconnectedness. It prepares students to function readily as part of the global workforce that is needed in the 21st century.

Study Abroad

NSLI-YThe National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) offers merit-based scholarships to U.S. high-school aged students for overseas study of seven critical foreign languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Korean, Persian (Tajik), Russian and Turkish. The NSLI-Y program is designed to immerse participants in the cultural life of the host country, giving them invaluable formal and informal language practice and sparking a lifetime interest in foreign languages and cultures.  
Visit NSLI for more information.
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American Youth Leadership Program
The American Youth Leadership Program offers opportunities for American high students and educators to travel abroad on a three- to
four-week-long exchange program to gain first-hand knowledge of foreign cultures and to collaborate on solving global issues. Several different organizations implement this program, and each has organized an academic and experiential educational exchange focused on dialogue and debate, leadership development, and community service. Recruitment areas and application deadlines vary, so please check The American Youth Leadership Program website for more information.
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Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange
The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Abroad Program offers scholarships to American high school students to spend a semester or an academic year in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Oman, Thailand, and Turkey. This post 9/11 program focuses on increasing understanding between people in the U.S. and countries with significant Muslim populations.  Visit the YES Program Website for more information.
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Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program
The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program (CBYX) was established in 1983 to celebrate German-American friendship based on common values of democracy. Secondary school students live with host families, attend local schools, and participate in community life in Germany. Young professionals (undergraduates) and high-school graduates of vocational studies ages 18-24 study and participate in practical training. Prior German language knowledge is not required, though it is preferred. Applicants should have clear career goals and some relevant work experience in their career field, which may include summer, part-time, or internship work. Participants must be between the ages of 18-24, possess a high school diploma or equivalent, and be US citizens or permanent residents.  Interested applicants can apply online at CBYX.
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Internship and Volunteer Opportunities

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Are you looking for an exciting opportunity to change the world and your community?


“Working for WACLV gave me the opportunity to learn about pressing international issues and meet incredible people from around the world.”  “I am so thankful for all of the opportunities I had with WACLV! ”   “I’m currently a second-year law student at Pepperdine University School of Law. During the summer after my first year, I worked for the Ugandan Supreme Court in Kampala, Uganda for two months.  Last fall, I externed with the Honorable Sandra Ikuta at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and this summer, I’ll be a summer associate with Wilmer Hale’s downtown Los Angeles office.”…Emily, a 2015 WACLV Intern.​​


Community Engagement

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We make calls to a variety of vendors, subject-matter experts and ordinary Las Vegans nearly every day.
If you sign up to volunteer, you might get that call!

You can contribute to finding solutions to the world’s problems, help our community, build relationships and have a lot of fun doing so. WACLV strategically engages all aspects of the community in U.S. State Department programs with the following goals:

  • Foster relationships, partnerships and collaboration

  • Build pride in Southern Nevada

  • Lay the foundation for future community opportunities

So if you get a call, we hope you say “YES!” We think you will really enjoy being a part of this program, just like the individuals and entities listed below.


You Can be a WACLV Ambassador

You can participate in many ways:

  • Host a pot-luck dinner

  • Be a volunteer driver and be a part of the program

  • Host on the bus for larger groups

  • Be an airport greeter


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World Affairs Council, 6375 W Charleston Blvd - WCI311, Las Vegas, NV  89146
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