What is Academic WorldQuest
​Academic WorldQuest is a flagship program of the World Affairs Councils system. The game was invented by the
Charlotte Council and is now widely played at the adult and high school levels around the country. It is a team game
testing competitors’ knowledge of international affairs, geography, history, and culture. The World Affairs Council of America started the national competition in Washington, DC in March 2003. Participants come from
high schools that work with the World Affairs Councils network. The 2025 Academic
WorldQuest National Competition takes place in Washington, DC from April 28, 2025.
2025 AWQ Topics
This year’s AWQ round topics are:
The United States and Foreign Languages
Space and National Security
Nontraditional Approaches to Foreign Policy
Music and Globalization
Indigenous Peacebuilding
Critical Minerals in Africa
Borders and Boundaries
Mexico: 2025 Focus Country
Great Decisions
Current Events

In collaboration with the Academic WorldQuest Task Force, and in consultation with partners, this year’s topics contextualize world affairs for students, bringing history, culture, and concepts into today’s most pressing issues.

How to Register
Ready, Set, Study:
The Online AWQ Study Guide is Here!

Topics Reflecting Our Time
Academic WorldQuest is a team game testing high school students' knowledge of international affairs. The competition is played between four-person teams who answer rounds of questions projected by PowerPoint onto a screen.

What to Know
The questions test their knowledge of current affairs, world leaders, geography, recent history, flags, international organizations, countries, regions, the world economy, culture, religion,
and more.

How to Succeed
A full competition is 100 questions, 10 rounds of 10 questions per round. The winning team is the team with the highest number of correct answers.

Who Participates
Over 3,000 students compete in AWQ contests organized by 40+ World Affairs Councils hosts in their states.
The national competition is attended by 200-250 of the nation's most promising high school students each year, along with their parents, teachers, and chaperones.

How Does AWQ Impact My Future?
Academic WorldQuest offers numerous benefits, including preparing you for future international studies and careers in the global economy.
The opportunity to meet representatives from area companies and universities and hear about future international opportunities.